Saturday, February 24, 2007
Finally i'm free to write my blog about chinese new year and things that happen with it. hahahha be patient i know you are curious about the title and i promiss that you will read about it if you stay with me. anyway my chinese new year is the usual of balik kampung, collecting ang pau, eating all the bak qua and not to mention the soft drinks hahaha but again i don think i have gone fat infact i'm trying hard to keep myself slim and fit (kononya) so i have not eat or drink soft drink that much. anyway the new year always start with the reunion dinner at my grandma place. let me show you a picture of her
isn't she old. she is about 90 years old anyway and she still look like 70. some people just look so young.while preparing for dinner (cutting and washing the vegetables) this is wat we found...
a black heart vege.... OMG how horrible... The picture is to show what a normal heart and a black heart look likethis make me think about life which they say so much about you so hak sum one ah (you so don have a heart) so this is what a hak sum look like. some thing which do not have a heart and its empty black. so ugly.and so they say if you want to know if the vege heart is black you must cut open the vege heart. if you want to knonw if the person heart is back you must have some event that make you see the real colours. and so well said |
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
i was reading a book about this girl that has brain damage and trying to leave a normal life. she look quite normal but have problem with prounciation and also and been tryin hard to have a normal life(not the one she had before but maybe i normal stable job that would not let other people into looking down on her). while reading this book i been thinking about alot of things that is happening around us. nowadays in today sociaty there are alot of people that are handicap. lets say lost sight, lost of legs, born without hands. alot of accident of illnesses that can make people into handicap. i personally feel sad for them but can't help feeling pityful. reason that i feel pityful for them and their family :-
1) no matter how hard they try they cannot fit into the normal life that we life in.
2) no people will be willing to employ (cause they douth of your abilities and also all the leaves you have to take your medical reason or so they think)
3) feel very humilated when people look at you one kind when you go inside the shopping mall with a wheelchair to help you.
4) there will be problem to even go out because of the infrastructur that is not handicap friendly.
imagine i am a handicap maybe say having problem of walking.i cannot imagine that this disaster happen and it will probably be the end of my active life as no people will be willing to employ. i just hope that this country can find ways to reach out to handicaps and give them all the support that they need. people should not shun people with disability but give them chances to shine. they are disable physically but not mentally. they too need a job to motivate them and a reason to life a chance to let them lead a normal life
personal opinion
exam once again have rule the life of a student and me as a student of course exam are my worst night mare. but then again i need to go tru them to be who i am and to get a degree and people look at my "impressive" resume and then smile and look at me say "you are hire" how happy can that be at that time. i have decided that i need to study constantly and not procrasinate at the last second(maybe last week before exam) and i can have a good night sleep and even if the night before i did not study i think it would be just fine. hahahah i have finish my finals for contract law and boy i';m i ever so relieve but i think that the theory of contract will have to live with me for the rest of my life. Today i finally realise that i have to sign up for the timetable for next semester. hahahah and too bad i realise that they are changing the time for certain subject and they DON'T LET ME PASS THE FORM UP. as a first year student i guess i have some time alone with more time on the computer (games) but i guess that i do not have time for it. i have sort of arrange the timetable and trust me it is a hugh mess. i have alot of thing that crash togather just because i'm taking 2nd year subject togather with some first year subject. I think if you hear my timetable you will cry out loud. wednesday will be my busy busy little day where i have classes after classes, lecture after lecture and the marathone start from 8am and it will not stop untill 4pm. yeah and that will be my wednesday for the rest of my semester life bohoo hoo.. but i think it can't be that bad after all cause is only hmmm 8 hours of non stop studying for ONLY ONE DAY. if i were to count the days i had to stay in SCHOOL 6 HOURS A DAY LESSON AFTER LESSON CLASS AFTER CLASS FOR 365 DAYS (maybe not so much la minus the holiday got hmmm 200 plus) i think i'm lucky to be in collage (i should learn to count my blessing) after all what is a wednesday (right?) *just cross your finger for me that when they rearrange the timetable they do not clash with anyone of my subject (i just hate to miss classes when one class means so much to me {in terms of $ and knowledge for final exam } ya) today is the end of exam and therefore i should reward myself with a big afternoon nap and also a nice dinner and movie (not that i deserve it or so my parents think that i play too much even exam period).signing offlovejasmin |
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Firstly i do not see the reason why i need to change to this new blog is not like it have some enchance feature that i will use as my blog is quite plain ( or so i think).
New year is just around the conner ( yes i know ) and i think i start to like shopping. lol not that i got alot of money to spend but then i think i like new cloths. hahahahah anyway i think i have done quite a fair bit of shopping with my mom. lol yes almost every morning in pasar pagi. hahahha wait no the quality of pasar pagi shirt can be quite nice? i'm not bluffing plus the price is not that cheap either hahahha. one of it can cost me up to Rm 60. but then again i think it is worth it because if i go to the shop in 1u( the one that i go almost everytime i'm on a shopping spree) i think one of the would cost me about rm 100 plus plus and then my heart will ache alot. lol. I think i have done with shopping except maybe a skirt that i need. lacking of skirt because earliest years i develope a disliking of skirt. but then now i think that they can be quite nice.. and also i need a nice long black pants. (very hard to find a pair of pants that can cover my long legs with abit extra) hahahaha so thats my new year shopping. actually exam is just on tuesday and i do not have that much mood to study( no, not the reason that valentines is around the conner, infact i do not intent to celebrate valentines day this year. it is just too costly. those that agree say I agree!!!) I'm having contract law for summer and the whole thing was like 5 weeks (including all the holiday) the whole course was like so so fast. is just like a blink and its exam (again unfortunately). but i thank god that i got the brain not to take 2 subject ( actually it started with i want to acheive high distiction that is why i choose to concentrate but now i know that is almost impossible to cope). hahahah and also i thank my parents for the strong foundation in english that make it easier for me to understand the language at first reading. ( if my english is terrible i might need triple the effort and fortunately that is not necessary) Valantine's day is on Feb 14. and i'm not going anywhere not because i got no one to date but then is just that all the restaurant are charging double(or triple!!!) suppose to charge.Thank god that my bf got me as a gf ( a future accountant ) and i will not buy anything unless i really calculate it and its really worth it hahahaha. anyway ya i'm that unromantic plus is valentines everyday if you treat your partner well. it does not have to be that specific day when all the tauke choose to cut your thoart even though you are obviously still student and living on your parent's actually i think i should put some picture in my blog it will make it all the more interesting but then again as i mention above that i'm lazy. hahahah my parents brough a new camera (at last) but then i have yet to install the software so i should not pluck a camera in the computer untill i have successfully install the software. i think i have change alot due to my education (education do change people ) i become more aware of what happening around me (now that i study contract law) i have learn to be very very careful with people and dealings and of course of what i say. trust me the last important deal(buying the camera) i think the sale person find me very irritating. hahahah plus my mom ( the irritating twins) my mom keep asking for them to give us free gifts while i keep asking them to write down what they have promiss us and of course SIGN THE THING!!!! the sale person say ok ok wait wait i going to do it. wait ah. hahahah poor them that they have meet the IRRITATION TWINS!! i think i would have to stop writting now as it is about 4 and i think i would be going out to eat dinner. hahahah i might wear some old cloths that i have "lost" in the cupboard for a while and i just can't wait to start wearing my new shoe and clothers.lovejasmin |